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Note: If you click on a dog's picture below, and want to adopt, please return to this ADHS webpage and click the button below to start your adoption application.
We have many wonderful dogs and puppies available for adoption. If you are interested, please complete our dog adoption application form below and after review we will contact you. If you have any questions please call our adoption line at: 705-458-9038.
Dogs are spayed/neutered, dewormed, fully vaccinated and microchipped.
Dogs are spayed/neutered, dewormed, fully vaccinated and microchipped.
Puppies are dewormed, first vaccines and microchipped but not neutered/spayed.
NOTICE: Refundable Deposit for Puppies
ADHSrequires puppy adopters to make a refundable $150 deposit towards your puppy’s surgery. An amount of $150 will be refunded to the adopter upon proof of spay or neuter. More information will be given when you have been approved for adoption.
All have a non-refundable administration fee included.
Note: If you click on a dog's picture above, and want to adopt, please return to this ADHS webpage and click the button below to start your adoption application.
We have many wonderful dogs and puppies available for adoption. If you are interested, please complete our dog adoption application form below and after review we will contact you. If you have any questions please call our adoption line at: 705-458-9038.
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